Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT Thriveni Indo Mining Tahun 2023
We specialize in mining Natural Resource Commodities like Iron Ore, Copper, Coal, Bauxite, Graphite,Lime Stone, Granite, and Baryte. At Thriveni, we have never had hints of stereotypical model, conceptually and in practice. We are credited for owning the Biggest Fleet of HEMM Assets and State of the Art Mining Operation Infrastructure. This, combined with Innovative Thinking, has made us emerge as the most preferred solution provider in the Mining Industry.
PT Thriveni Indo Mining is urgently looking for (Indonesian only) :
1. People Development & Talent Acquisition Superintendent
2. Talent Acquisition Staff/Specialist
3. HR Superintendent
4. HR Staff
5. Legal Supervisor
6. Short Term Engineer
7. Drill & Blast Engineer
8. Geologist
9. Mine Analyst
10. Surveyor
11. Trainer Operator
12. Trainer Mechanic
Placement :
1. Sumatera and Kalimantan Area (1)
2. Jambi and Bengalon (2)
3. Bengalon (3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
4. HO Jakarta (3)
5. Jambi (4)
Feel free to share this to your connections or if you might know someone who is suitable for this position please let me know.
Please send detailed your resume in email subject in format with position & placement code (Example : HR Staff_Jambi) to recruitment@thriveni.co.id and cc to : ama@thriveni.co.id