Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories was established in 1998 in Indonesia as a consequence of increasing globalization and trend toward efficiency in the pharmaceutical industry.
In 2013, Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories becomes the first Indonesian Local Pharmaceutical company to obtain GMP approval from European Union authority (Germany - Lageso) for its injectable plant.
Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories also becomes the only company to have GMP license from Europe, Australia, South Africa PICS and GCC Gulf Countries. As part of its international expansion, Novell has its own office and marketing team in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, with more than 30 employees outside Indonesia.
Area : Jabodetabek, Sumatera, & Kalimantan
Kualifikasi :
1. Laki-laki/Perempuan.
2. Usia maksimal 27 tahun (Freshgraduate) atau maksimal 30 tahun (Berpengalaman).
3. Pendidikan: SMA/SMK (Kesehatan), D3 (Kesehatan/Eksakta), dan S1 semua jurusan.
4. Memiliki kendaraan pribadi (min: motor) dan memiliki Sim C aktif.
5. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, dan terbiasa bekerja dengan target.
6. Bersedia penempatan di seluruh kota besar di Indonesia (jika dibutuhkan).
Kirimkan CV anda ke alamat email: dzul.renaldy@novellpharm.com
Subjek: MR_Nama_Domisili