PT. Balikapapan Ready Mix Pile (BRM Pile) was established in 2005 as part of an expansion from our holding PT Balikpapan Ready Mix (BRM), with the main objective to be the leader in manufacturing a wide range of high quality pre-cast concrete products.
As the pioneer for the highest level of pre-cast concrete products in this region, PT BRM Pile has successfully taken part in a diversified range of major projects; varying from domestic housing projects, to commercial development projects with the construction of warehouses, offices, shopping centers, sports stadiums, harbor installations and high rise buildings.
- Laki-laki sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang yang sama 4 i\S
- Disiplin, loyal dan dedikasi tinggi GRA
- Pendidikan D3/S1 Semua Jurusan
- Wajib mempunyai sertifikat K3 Umum
- Menguasai Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
- Menguasai program komputer (Ms. Word, Exel, dan Internet)
Berlaku hingga 22 November 2021
Kirimkan CV dan lamaran lengkap(serta copy Kartu Pencari Kerja(AK/1), identitas / KTP, Foto Copy SKCK yang masih berlaku, dan Legalisir Ijasah terakhir) ke:
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin RT 07 Kariangau Balikpapan Barat 76134
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