Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT BANTI INDONESIA Terbaru Tahun 2021
PT BANTI INDONESIA is part of the BANTI GROUP an Engineering Proquirement and Constructions (EPC) company specialist in the Mining and Oil & Gas industries. we are your partner to develop your investment in Indonesia. Especially in East Kalimantan, as an original company in the buffer city of the new Indonesian capital, which will be moved to East Kalimantan we are ready to help you as a strategic partner to invest in the development of the capital city of Indonesia
Project Cost Control
Penempatan Balikpapan
1. Pria 24 -28 Tahun.
2. Pendidikan Minimal D3/S1 Teknik atau berpengalaman menangani Project Cost Control.
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang Konstruksi minimal 2 Tahun.
4. Dapat memahami dan menggunakan Autocad.
5. Dapat menggunakan Microsoft Project dan membuat Schedule Kerja.
6. Dapat menggunakan dan memahami Microsoft Office
7. Memahami teknis dalam perhitungan RAB
Kirimkan CV lengkap via email :
info@banti-indonesia.com dengan Subject :
Nama_Project Cost Control