Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT. Reka Patria Ekaguna Terbaru 2021
(Project PT. Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur {PHKT)
Kami, PT. Reka Patria Ekaguna, perusahaan Engineering Services dan Project Management Services, saat ini membutuhkan person ii untuk men-support Klien kami, PT. Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur {PHKT) sebagai Company Man/PHKT Representative.
Cost Control & Estimating Engineer (CCEE)
Persyaratan Umum:
1. Berkewarganegaraan Indonesia
2. Bersedia di tempatkan di area operasi PHKT.
3. Dapat berkomuni kasi dengan baik, beretika baik, sopan dan santun.
4. Memiliki kesehatan jasmani dan rohani yang baik.
5. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak sedang dalam pengawasan pengadilan.
6. Mampu bekerja dengan baik, disiplin dan sungguh-sungguh serta mempunyai komitmen dan motivasi untuk bekerja sama dalam Tim.
7. Berusia maksimal 48 tahun.
1 Minimum education is bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, science, economics, management or computer with 6 years or diploma (D3) with minimum 10 years working experience in project cost estimating and control of which expenence as a Cost Controller for oil and gas or petrochemical handling projects and/ or facilities.
2 The candidate shall have thorough know-ledge on various cost estimating & control practices and related codes & standards, including associated software.
3 The candidate shall have high skill for facilitation & coordination, and networking.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Perform cost estimating & control Services for Company's projects both at individual or portfolio level which shall include but not limited to: cost estimating, cost control & forecasting, etc.
- Prepare construction cost monitoring report for project executed by Business Partner and supervised by Contractor. This includes in providing monthly project cost accrual for Business Partner and Contractor.
- Assist and guide Business Partner to develop and maintain Contractor's processes and procedures related with cost estimating and control.
- Work closely with Company and Business Partner during performance of cost estimating& control services for Company's projects.
- Develop and maintain Contractor's processes and procedures related with cost estimating & control.
- Prepare detailed cost estimate for project execution covering all associated cost components (such as: detail engineering, construction, commissioning, equipment certification,construction management, procurement of goods & services, project overheads, etc.) by using budgetary quotations for major equipment and by referring to historical data and/or appropriate cost benchmarks and/or professional judgment.