Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk. (RUI) Tahun 2020 - LOWONGAN KERJA KALIMANTAN TIMUR TERBARU

Senin, 28 September 2020

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk. (RUI) Tahun 2020

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk. (RUI)
PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk. (RUI) is a leading provider of energy services that deliver leading solutions in the Oil and Gas Industry. We provide support services to the energy industry and serve a wide range of services to meet the needs of our customers, both onshore and offshore, requiring reliable and professional personnel to fill the following positions:

• Laki-laki/Perempuan 
• Min. Pendidikan D3 
• Memiliki sertifikat AK3 UMUM 

Kirimkan CV dan lamaran (serta copy Kartu Kuning/AK-1) ke : 

Berlaku hingga 09 Oktober 2020