Lowongan Kerja PT. Arthapusaka Mitra Sakti ( PT APMS ) - LOWONGAN KERJA KALIMANTAN TIMUR TERBARU

Rabu, 30 September 2020

Lowongan Kerja PT. Arthapusaka Mitra Sakti ( PT APMS )

Lowongan Kerja PT. Arthapusaka Mitra Sakti ( PT APMS )

PT. Arthapusaka Mitra Sakti adalah distributor tunggal ExxonMobil Lubricants di Kalimantan sejak tahun 1995. PT. APMS memasok Pelumas ke banyak pelanggan terkenal seperti BUMA, VICO, Badak, Adaro, KPC, dll. Misi kami adalah menyediakan produk, layanan, dan solusi terbaik bagi mitra bisnis kami. Kami menyediakan pelumas untuk Industri, Minyak & Gas, Pertambangan, Perkebunan, Kelautan, dan otomotif.

Lubrication Engineer

Job Description
  • Work in large industrial / off-road environments requiring climbing stairs, ladders and heights
  • Proficiency in the use of computers and possess excellent administrative and organizational competencies
  • Willing to travel within assigned sales territory; adaptable to various working and living conditions
  • Proven ability to manage short deadlines, emergency situations, demanding customer personality types, and cultural differences for travel and work conducted
  • Physically sampling, measuring, and taking the temperature of delivery trucks and storage tanks utilizing a variety of methods dictated by company
  • Accurately completing all required reports and forms, including detailed work order documentation and ordering of all known material for maintenance activities.
Minimum Requirements:
  • High School Diploma or Bachelor degree in Engineer
  • Must have exemplary interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from individuals and/or groups both within the organization or while representing the organization
  • Basic math comprehension with an aptitude for fractions
  • Domicile Samarinda / Balikpapan

Job Position : Lubrication Engineer
Send your the best CV at dita@ptapms.com