Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT Sukses Harmoni Energi Sejati (SHES)
Our Company established with the purpose and designation of import of heavy equipment category (such as Crane, Excavator, Bulldozer, Dump Truck, Grader, Compactor and Drill Rig). In the course of its business, PT Sukses Harmoni Energi Sejati strives to develop the business as a follow up / implementation of PT SHES.
1. Foreman HRGA2. Admin HR
3. Admin Finance
4. Admin Plant & Logistic
5. MPE & Surveyor
6. Safety & Logistic
7. SPV Mechanic
8. Mechanic
9. Foreman Tyre
10. Tyreman
11. Operator Exca
With Term & Condition;
-Male/ Female
-Age Between 22 - 39 years old
-Experience in the same position min. 3 years
-Computer skill (Microsoft)
-Placement at Site Office Melak, East Kalimantan.
Interested applicants should submit the Application Letter and Current Curriculum Vitae (Pass Photo Update, Experience with job desc, skill about Mechanic) to the following e-mail address: recruitment@shes.co.id & radlia.mardin@shes.co.id please kindly put the position title (Position - Melak) on the e-mail Subject line.